25th Book Fair(y) in Istria THE CITY IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION
December 5–15, 2019

Pula Is Crowded carries the name of a traditional song and it's author, the great Istrian intellectual, scientist and poet Mijo Mirković – Mate Balota. This programme draws attention to the Book Fair(y)'s own city - Pula - and promotes culturological, sociological, anthropological, urban and other non-fiction dealing with the former main naval base of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.


  • 03.12

    Boris Koroman: 
    SUVREMENA HRVATSKA PROZA I TRANZICIJA (Juraj Dobrila University in Pula, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada)

    With: Boris Koroman, Danijela Lugarić Vukas and Andrea Matošević