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Socialism on the Bench

     The 19th Book Fair(y)'s overarching theme, Socialism on the Bench, is the result of collaboration with the Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism (CKPIS), the University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula. The present-day global reality, marked by increased individual financial insecurity, is a common issue that gathers scientists around debate on the current international economic and political relations. Such debate inevitably becomes the subject of observation and analysis in humanistic studies, along with literary production which has always been deeply connected to all aspects of the humanities. The Fair(y) fully supports the scientific production of the Centre, which has contributed largely to the study of the phenomenon of socialism. The Fair(y)'s programme will start with the scientific conference Socialism on the Bench, where the researchers from Croatia and other ex-Yugoslavian countries will be able to exchange their insights with world renowned scholars who deal with the still hot topic of socialism. The Fair(y)'s various contents, focused on the Russian contemporary literature and Vojvodina – Region in the Region, will all address the central theme of socialism as significant historical heritage underlying the present and foreshadowing the future.



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