Sa(n)jam knjige u Istri

A trip to Russia

     The programme follows contemporary Russian literature as a focal point of this year's Fair(y). During his time, our beloved Krleža had to go through Vienna and Berlin to reach Moscow. We, on the other hand, are about to bring the contemporary Russian literature directly from Moscow to Pula. The programme will host some of the most prominent names of contemporary Russian literary and cultural scene: authors, publishers, literary critics, journalists, musicians, artists and others, who will represent Russia from the point of view of those who live its present-day reality. The current Russian literary scene opens up numerous social, political and philosophic issues, issues that arise from (and make part of) the post-Soviet Russian reality, and which will be addressed through this programme. The programme will be carried out in collaboration with the Department of Russian Language and Literature, the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The programme selector is Ivana Peruško, PhD.



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